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Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits For You:

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HEC membership ensures that you get the answers you need when you need them. Membership includes unlimited access to our experienced professionals can provide accurate answers to your employee relations questions, send you a copy of relevant research reports or model guides to help you understand the matter, or provide other resources or support. Assistance is just a phone call or email away.

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HEC membership is like adding an expert human resources and labor relations team to your organization. When you join HEC, you have access to the comprehensive services you need to create and maintain positive employer-employee relations. Our experts instantly bring depth and experience to help you with the day-to-day people challenges of managing a business.

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Most HEC services are included in your membership, no matter how often you use them. You can get assistance from staff experts as often as you wish. You can call or email us with your questions, come to our office, or make an appointment for us to visit you. Without a "time-charge" structure to worry about, you’re free to spend the time you need to deal with each employee relations issue immediately and effectively. When you leverage the services and resources, you get unparalleled value that exceeds your membership investment.

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HEC is Hawaii's one-stop resource for expertise in human resource management, labor relations, government regulations, compensation and benefit survey data, and other information you need to ensure the productivity of your workforce. While you could spend time searching for your own answers, doing so may result in mistakes and cost you valuable time that could be better spent on other matters. If you have a question, an idea for a special HR project, or a training need, you don’t have to go it alone. Give us a call, and we will provide you with a solution so that you can cross the matter off your “To Do” list today.

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HEC's staff have been where you are. They have come to the Council after years of working in or running HR departments, negotiating collective bargaining agreements, mediating related disputes, or assisting employers with legal issues related to their workforce. They are uniquely qualified to help members think through the complex personnel and labor problems that are a reality for every organization. This approach distinguishes HEC from other service providers who may provide a quick compliance answer. Sometimes, it is not merely a question of what a statute or regulation requires but also how the implementation of a workplace change impacts employee morale and productivity. Because HEC’s experts have sat where you’re sitting, they can provide instant assistance on the full scope of the issues you face.

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HEC membership affords professional development opportunities such as:

  • $50 discount off the aPHR, PHR, SPHR or GPHR exam fee
  • Web-based Certification Study Programs to help you prepare for the aPHR, PHR, SPHR exams
  • HRCI recertification credits
  • SHRM Professional Development Credits (PDCs) - HEC is recognized by SHRM to offer PDCs for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP
  • Continuing professional education credit - HEC is registered with the Hawaii State Board of Public Accountancy as a sponsor of continuing professional education credit.


2682 Waiwai Loop
Honolulu, HI 96819

Oahu: 808-836-1511
Neighbor Island: 1-800-392-3589

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